CI Annual Report

The Cooper Institute needed a modern design for its annual community impact report. The publication is mailed out to all donors and needs to be eye-catching and comprehensive.
Donors, local health and fitness organizations, potential donors
Creative Director Design Content Strategy Art Direction Print Digital Social media

What it is:

The Community Impact Report is an annual update that is mailed to all donors of The Cooper Institute at the end of each calendar year. It is also distributed via email and a digital version lives on the website.

Why it is important:

It is the only printed communication piece that summarizes all organization highlights for the year. It also gives an overview of the financials, and is a great opportunity to thank all donors. The Community Impact Report is also our last fundraising piece of the year.

About the design:

I wanted all photography and design elements chosen to make a nod to fitness and health for all ages. I kept the elements simple so the photography showcasing healthy lifestyles could shine.

This report was distributed to more than 10,000 individuals.

Check out the full report here.

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